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Informations about Womens

Women's rights are the rights and demand claimed for women and girls in many sociaties around the world and are the basis for the women's movement, rights in the nineteenth century and the feminist movement during the twentieth century.

Issues commonly associated with the concepts of women's rights include the right: for physical integrity andautonomy, to be free fron sexual violence, to vote, to hold public offices, to conclude legel contracts, to have equal rights in family law, work, pay with wages, to have property and to be aducated

Women's Rights

The recording of data is the refence year 2013, in Greece:

  • 32% of higher aducation graduates in science are women.

  • The gender distribution of workforce over 15 years is 44% women and 63% men, but in the service sector women work is 80%.

  • In the 15-24 age group, 64% of the unemployed are women.

  • In position of responsibility, rates for women in Parliament and businesses are 23% and only 10% in the Cabinent.

  • In the workforce over 15 years, women participate in 50% and 77% in men, but also in the 15-24 age group. the percentage is 39% for women and 55% for men.

Informations about Womens

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